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Accepted in principle
Holdstock, J.S., Dalton, P., May, K.A., Boogert, S., Mickes, L. (accepted in principle)
Lineup identification in young and older witnesses: Does describing the criminal help or hinder? Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, Stage 2 manuscript under review.
Published papers
Wilkinson, H., Holdstock, J.S., Baker, G., Herbert, A., Clague, F., Downes, J.J. (2012)
Long-term accelerated forgetting of verbal and non-verbal information in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy.
Cortex, 48, 317-332.
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Holdstock, J.S., Crane, J., Bachorowski, J.-A., Milner, B. (2010)
Equivalent activation of the hippocampus by face-face and face-laugh paired associate learning and recognition.
Neuropsychologia, 48, 3757-3771.
PDF (662 KB)
Holdstock, J.S., Hocking, J., Notley, P., Devlin, J.T., Price, C.J. (2009)
Integrating visual and tactile information in the perirhinal cortex.
Cerebral Cortex,19, 2993-3000.
doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhp073.
Holdstock, J.S., Parslow, D.M., Morris, R.G., Fleimnger, S., Abrahams, S., Denby, C., Montaldi, D., Mayes, A.R. (2008)
Two case studies illustrating how relatively selective hippocampal lesions in humans can have quite different effects on memory.
Hippocampus,18, 679-691.
PDF (229 KB)
Westerberg, C.E., Paller, K.A., Weintraub, S., Mesulam, M.M., Holdstock, J.S., Mayes, A.R., Reber, P.J. (2006)
When Memory Does Not Fail: Familiarity-Based Recognition in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s Disease.
Neuropsychology, 20, 193-205.
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Holdstock, J.S. (2005)
The role of the human medial temporal lobe in object recognition and object discrimination.
The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 58B, 326-339.
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Holdstock, J.S., Mayes, A.R., Gong, Q., Roberts, N., Kapur, N. (2005)
Item recognition is less impaired than recall and associative recognition in a patient with selective hippocampal damage.
Hippocampus, 15, 203-215.
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Mayes, A.R., Holdstock, J.S., Isaac, C.L., Montaldi, D., Grigor, J., Gummer, A., Cariga, P., Downes, J.J., Tsivilis, D.,
Gaffan, D., Norman, K.A. (2004) Associative recognition in a patient with selective hippocampal lesions and relatively normal
item recognition.
Hippocampus, 14, 763-784.
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Pascalis, O., Hunkin, N.M., Holdstock, J.S., Isaac, C.L., Mayes, A.R. (2004)
Visual Paired Comparison Performance is Impaired in a Patient with Selective Hippocampal Lesions and Relatively Intact Item Recognition.
Neuropsychologia, 42, 1293-1300.
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Mayes, A.R., Isaac, C.L., Holdstock, J.S., Cariga, P., Gummer, A., Roberts, N. (2003)
Long-term amnesia: A review and detailed illustrative study.
Cortex, 39, 567-603.
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Holdstock, J.S., Mayes, A.R., Isaac, C.L., Gong, Q., Roberts, N. (2002)
Differential involvement of the hippocampus and temporal cortices in rapid and slow learning of new semantic information.
Neuropsychologia, 40, 748-768.
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Holdstock, J.S., Mayes, A.R., Cezayirli, E., Isaac, C.L., Roberts, N. O'Reilly, R. Norman, K. (2002)
Under what conditions is recognition spared relative to recall after selective hippocampal damage in humans?
Hippocampus, 12, 341-351.
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Mayes, A.R., Holdstock, J.S., Isaac, C.L., Hunkin, N.M., Roberts, N. (2002)
Relative sparing of item recognition memory in a patient with damage limited to the hippocampus.
Hippocampus, 12, 325-340.
PDF (168 KB)
Mayes, A.R., Isaac, C.L., Downes, J.J., Holdstock, J.S., Hunkin, N.M., Montaldi, D., Macdonald, C., Cezayirli, E., Roberts, J.N. (2001)
Memory for single items, word pairs, and temporal order in a patient with selective hippocampal lesions.
Cognitive Neuropsychology, 18, 97-123.
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Hunkin, N.M., Stone, J.V., Isaac, C.L., Holdstock, J.S., Butterfield, R., Wallis, L.I., Mayes, A.R. (2000)
Factor analysis of three standardised tests of memory in a clinical population.
British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 39, 169-180.
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Holdstock, J.S., Gutnikov, S.A., Gaffan, D., Mayes, A.R. (2000)
Perceptual and mnemonic matching-to-sample in humans: contributions of hippocampus, perirhinal and other medial temporal lobe cortices.
Cortex, 36, 301-322.
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Holdstock, J.S., Mayes, A.R., Cezayirli, E., Isaac, C.L., Aggleton, J.P., Roberts, N. (2000)
A comparison of egocentric and allocentric spatial memory in a patient with selective hippocampal damage.
Neuropsychologia, 38, 410-425.
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Holdstock, J.S., Mayes, A.R., Cezayirli, E., Aggleton, J.P., Roberts, N. (1999)
A comparison of egocentric and allocentric spatial memory in medial temporal lobe and Korsakoff amnesics.
Cortex, 35, 479-501.
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Mayes, A.R., van Eijk, R., Gooding, P.A., Isaac, C.L. and Holdstock, J.S. (1999)
What are the functional deficits produced by hippocampal and perirhinal cortex lesions?
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 22, 460-461.
Isaac, C.L., Holdstock, J.S., Cezayirli, E., Roberts, N. Holmes, C.J. and Mayes, A.R. (1998)
Amnesia in a patient with lesions limited to the dorsomedial thalamic nucleus.
Neurocase, 4, 497-508.
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Downes, J.J., Holdstock, J.S., Symons, V. and Mayes, A.R. (1998) Do amnesics forget colours pathologically fast?
Cortex, 34, 337-355.
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Holdstock, J.S., Shaw, C. and Aggleton, J.P. (1995)
The performance of amnesic subjects on tests of delayed matching-to-sample and delayed matching-to-position.
Neuropsychologia, 33, 1583-1596.
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Holdstock, J.S. and Rugg, M.D. (1995)
Differential effects of attention on the P3a and P3b components of the P300 Complex.
Journal of Psychophysiology, 9, 18-31.
Rugg, M.D., Pearl, S., Walker, P., Roberts, R.C. and Holdstock, J.S. (1994).
Word repetition effects on event-related potentials in healthy young and old subjects, and in patients with Alzheimer-type dementia.
Neuropsychologia, 32, 381-398.
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Rugg, M.D., Doyle, M.C. and Holdstock, J.S. (1994).
Modulation of event-related potentials by word repetition: effects of local context
Psychophysiology, 31, 447-459.
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Book chapters
Holdstock, J.S., Hunkin, N.M., Isaac, C.L., Mayes, A.R. (2019)
The case of YR: selective bilateral hippocampal lesions can have quite different effects on item recognition, associative recognition and recall.
In: MacPherson, S.E. & Della Sala, S. (Eds) Cases of Amnesia: Contributions to Understanding Memory and the Brain. New York: Routledge.
Holdstock, J.S. and Rugg, M.D. (1993)
Dissociation of Auditory P300, differential brain response to target and novel nontarget stimuli.
In: H.-J. Heinze, T.F. Munte and G.R. Mangun (Eds) New Developments in Event-Related Potentials. New York: Birhauser.
Published abstracts
Hocking, J., Holdstock, J., and Price, C. (2007)
Cross-modal object processing in three different anterior temporal regions. NeuroImage, 36 (Supplement 1).
Holdstock, J.S., Hocking, J., Notley, P., and Price, C.J. (2006)
An fMRI study of integration of visual and tactile information from novel objects. NeuroImage, 31 (Supplement 1), S158. download poster as Powerpoint presentation (2090 KB)
Holdstock, J.S., Hocking, J., Henson, R. and Price, C.J. (2005)
Integrating visual and tactile information from novel objects activates language areas. NeuroImage, 26 (Supplement 1), S63.
Pascalis, O., Hunkin, N.M., Holdstock, J.S., Isaac, C.L. and Mayes, A.R. (2000)
Differential performance on recognition memory tests and the visual paired comparison task in a patient with a selective hippocampal lesion.
Programme number 463.4.
Abstract Viewer and Itinerary Planner . Washington DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2000. Online.
Holdstock, J.S., Isaac, C.L., Roberts, N., and Mayes, A.R. (2000)
Damage to perirhinal and anterior inferotemporal cortices in humans spares initial acquisition and retention of new memories but impairs long term retention.
European Journal of Neuroscience, 12, 437-437 Suppl. S.
Book reviews
Memory and Amnesia: an Introduction - Alan Parkin for Applied Cognitive Psychology, 1997.
Applied Cognitive Psychology, 12: 291-292, 1998.
International Perspectives on Psychological Science, vol.1 Leading themes - P. Bertelson, P. Eelen, G. d’Ydewalle (Eds),
International Perspectives on Psychological Science, vol.2 The state of the art - P. Eelen, P. Bertelson (Eds)
Journal of Psychophysiology, 10: 269-270,1996.
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